A. Hello Bill, long time no see. How are you?
B. I&39;m fine. Thank you, and you.
A. I&39;m fine, too. Thank you. How is your wife?
B. She was sick last week, but she is much better now. Thank you.
A. Please give my regards to her.
A. Hi, Jerry, is that you? Long time no see.
B. Yes, it&39;s been long. How is your study?
A. I&39;m working on my final paper. And you?
B. I&39;m working on English. I work real hard.
A. Hi Sandra, long time no see.
B. Oh, morning Linda. It’s nice to see you. You look great today.
A. How has thing been these days?
B. Can&39;t be better. I got better pay job last week.
好得不能再好了。 我找到了一份薪水更丰厚的工作。
A. That&39;s wonderful, how is your husband?
B. Jerry had a headache yesterday, but now he feels much better.
A. I hope he will recover soon. Please give my regards to him.
B. I sure will. Thanks.
1. Hello! I&39;m Emily. This is my dog, Clifford. One day a boy named Tim says, "I try to do a good deed every day. If I have Clifford, I can help a lot of people." I say, "Let&39;s do some good deeds together."
你好!我是 Emily。这是我的狗狗Clifford。有一天,一个叫 Tim 的男孩说:“我每天要做一件好事。如果有 Clifford 帮忙,我可以帮助许多人。” 我说:“让我们一起来做好事吧!”
2. A man is cleaning leaves. Then we help him. But the leaves make Clifford sneeze.
一个男人在扫树叶,我们去帮他。但是,树叶使得 Clifford 打了个喷嚏。
3. Then we see a lady painting her house. We help her and she thanks us. Clifford feels very happy. He wags his tail. White paint splatters all over her house. Nothing seems to go right.
然后,我们看见一位女士在油漆房子。我们帮了她,她谢谢我们。Clifford 很开心,就摇摇尾巴,溅得整座房子都是白漆。好象什么事都不顺。
4. Suddenly we hear a cry: "Help! Fire!" Clifford runs to the burning house. There are two kids upstairs. With Clifford&39;s help, we get them out.
突然,我们听到一声大叫:“救命!失火了!” Clifford 朝着火的房子跑去。楼上有两个小孩,在 Clifford 的帮助下,我们把小孩救了出来。
5. There is a swimming pool in front of the house. Clifford uses the water to put out the fire.
房子前面有一个游泳池,Clifford 用水把火扑灭。
6. That afternoon the mayor gives us each a medal for our good deeds. Of course, Clifford gets the biggest medal of all.
那天下午,市长给我们每人发一个奖章,表扬我们做了好事。当然,Clifford 得到的奖章最大!
Core Sentences
1. What&39;s the matter with you?
2. I don&39;t feel very well because I had a .
3. How did you break your amp3?
4. Stella fell of the bag, and splent her .
5. Steve is injured in the car accident.
6. I have pain in the back.
8. I walked the whole day, and my feet hurt.
9. Sean was stung by the bee, and his faces swollen.
10. My muscles were after the one hundred meter dash
11. Paul got a cut on his amp3,and it is bleeding.
12. Put the around your wounded finger. Don&39;t move, I will calling the doctor.
13. Go see a doctoer soon.
14. Watch your step, and don&39;t slip again.
15. My pains are gone after a sound sleep.
Dialog Exercise
Number One, In a park
A. Are you all right, mom?
B. I , and my ankle were .It hurts, I cannot move.
A. It seems you should go to a hospital soon.
B. Is there a hospital nearby?
A. Shall I help you out of the park first, then I&39;ll call a tax for you?
B. It is so nice of you to help.
A. Stay here in the bench, I&39;ll go and get a tax.
B. Thank you so much.
Number two, on the way home after an evening party
A. We&39;ve got to hurry up, Julie, it&39;s almost midnight.
B. Sorry, but my feets hurt so much.
A. What&39;s wrong?
B. I was last Friday. I was walking a class when a man rush to me and heat me in the face.
A. That&39;s real bad. Then what happened?
B. He robbed my purse, and I my anker.
A. Did you go see a doctor?
B. I stayed at home these days, and the paints are almost gone.
A. Did you dial up 911?
B. Ye, I reported the robbery later, they said this robbery keeps happening all these days.
A. Oh, really. We got watch out on it. Shall we call a tax now?