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时间: 小龙 文案句子



  1) 如果两个人注定要在一起,最终他们总会找到方法找回彼此。If two people are meant to be together, eventually they will find a way to get back to each other.

  2) 你死了,我的故事就结束了;而我死了,你的故事还长的很。When you die, my story is over, and I'm dead, your story is still long.

  3) 拉你的左手,在雨中无尽头奔跑,最后最后,我们幸福的依偎。Pull your left hand, run in the rain without end, and finally, we are happy to close up.

  4) 最美的爱情,不是天荒,也不是地老,只是在一起,仅此而已。The most beautiful love, not ever, not old, just together, only this.

  5) 一直向西走,越过晨昏线,越过日界线,回到初识你的那一天。Always go west, across the twilight line, crosses the line, the day back to meet you.。

  6) 你说摩尔曼斯克,我是北大西洋暖流,你该被抱紧,有风我来顶。You said I was Murmansk, North Atlantic, you should be tight, I have come to the top of the wind.

  7) 我与你不需要任何的琐碎来证明在乎的分量,只有不言而喻的默契。I and you don't need any trivial to prove the weight of care, only the tacit understanding.

  8) 一切都是瞬间,一切都将会过去,而那过去的将会成为亲切的怀恋。Everything is instantaneous, everything will be in the past, and the past will be dear.

  9) 爱恋的精髓不在于初见的魂飞魄散,而在于漫长岁月中的难舍难离。The essence of love is not the beginning of wits, but in the long years of regret and hard to leave.

  10) 事到如今,我们还是在不停地捉着迷藏,到底要躲躲藏藏到什么时候呢?Now, we are still kept in the hide and seek, trying to hide what time?

  11) 一支玫瑰入你眼眸,一壶烈酒融入你喉,一缕清风伴你长久,愿你不走。A rose in your eyes, a pot of wine into your throat, a breeze with you for a long time, you may not go.

  12) 我们从相识相知却无法走到相守,是我没有勇气,还是你根本就不在意。We knew it is unable to go to the company, I do not have the courage, or you don't care.

  13) 明知道爱情这个东西会把我们伤的体无完肤,但却还是一个劲的去寻找。Know that love this thing is going to injured all over the body we hurt, but it is still a hard to find.

  14) 万水千山总是情,晓红爱我行不行,只要吉祥长得帅,保证我是你最爱。The trials of a long journey always feeling, Xiaohong love I can, as long as the auspicious handsome, that I love you.

  15) 无论怎么样,一个人借故堕落总是不值得原谅的,越是没有人爱,越要爱自己。No matter how, a person always fall excuse not worth forgiving, no more love, more to love yourself.


  1) 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

  2) 在这美丽的凤凰小城,邂逅美丽的你。这将成为我生命中美好的回忆。美丽的邂逅。In this beautiful town of Phoenix, meets the beautiful you. This will be a good memory in my life. Beautiful encounter.

  3) 等我找到男朋友,我第一时间就是抽他两巴掌,我得问问,这些年你TMD躲哪里去了。Waiting for me to find a boyfriend, my first time is to draw his two slap, I have to ask, where you go to TMD these years.

  4) 晚上那点疼就出来了,先是失神片刻,然后五脏六腑的神经才一齐苏醒过来万箭穿心。That night the pain came out, the first is the absence for a moment, and then the viscera nerves just revived in extreme grief.

  5) 傻丫头,回去泡个热水澡,睡个好觉,明天早上起来满街都是男人,个个都比豹哥好。Silly girl, go back and take a hot bath, a good sleep, tomorrow morning there are men, everyone is better than good brother leopard.

  6) 为什么我们对过去和未来都如此无力,为什么我们手里只有那不知道该如何是好的现在。Why are we in the past and the future are so weak, why do we only have that don't know what to do now.

  7) 我不愿每天每夜每秒漂流,但我始终学不会控制自己的感觉。I don't want to every day every night per second, but I always learn can't control my feeling.

  8) 告诉自己不再哭泣,心痛的只是自己没有人能够理解。Tell yourself no longer cry, heartache is your no one can understand.

  9) 给我一个承诺,我哪里都不会去,就站在这里等着你。Give me a promise, I won't go anywhere, standing right here waiting for you.

  10) 假如有一天我们不在一起了,也要像在一起一样。If one day we are not together, also like together.

  11) 说不出爱你什么,但我知道,你在我心里没人能替代。What say a love you, but I know that you are in my heart no one can replace.

  12) 人生若只如初见,我情愿那个人不是你,我苦等的那个人还在来的路上。If life only such as first, I would rather that person is not you, I'm waiting for the man who is on the way to.

  13) 男人忘不了旧情人,必然是他在过去的岁月里,曾经伤害她。Men forget old flames, must be in the past years, he had hurt her.

  14) 我想去见一个人,告诉他我很思念他。I want to go to see a person, tell him I miss him very much.

  15) 如果没有当初相遇,是不是就不会有今天的疼痛。If not met, isn't there would be no today's pain.


  1) 有一些人活在记忆里,刻骨铭心;有一些人活在身边,却很遥远。There are some people who live in the memory, forget; There are some people who live in the side, but is very far away.

  2) 谁若真心对我好,我便拿命去珍惜,这句话永远不会过期。If who sincerely good to me, I will take life to cherish, this sentence will never expire.

  3) 如果两个人的世界,只剩下一个人,那么你就该让承诺自由。If two people of the world, only one person, then you should let commitment to freedom.

  4) 这世间没有分离与衰老的命运,只有肯爱与不肯去爱的心。There is no separation and aging of fate, only willing to love and not love's heart.

  5) 爱情要完结的时候自会完结,到时候,你不想画上句号也不行。Love to end will end, when the time comes, you don't want to end.

  6) 一个人的日子,在想你的时间里度过。One day, in your time.

  7) 因为爱得尊严,我选择离去。因为爱得无奈,我选择放弃。Because love dignity, I choose to leave. Because love is helpless, I choose to give up.

  8) 你给我,滚出我的世界,我不要你了!我决定,好好爱自己!You gave me, get out of my world, I don't want you! I decided to have a good love yourself!

  9) 我不需要你的承诺,我会为你守候生生世世,因为你是我的梦。I don't need your promise, I'll waiting for you to life, because you are my dream.

  10) 世上只有一个人,让我觉得我可以飞起来,就是你。There is only one person, let me think I can fly, is you.

  11) 我放下了尊严,放下了个性,放下了固执,都只是因为放不下你。I put down the dignity, put down the individual character, down stubborn, all just because can not let go you.

  12) 只要你肯为我流一滴眼泪,我就可以为而你活下去。If you would only a drop of tears for me, I and you will be able to survive.

  13) 我只是要有个人可以一直一直陪我走下去,不需要很慢,只需要很长。I just want to have personal can always accompany me to go on, don't need to slowly, only need a very long.

  14) 你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。You laugh once, I can be happy for several days; To see you cry once, I was sad for several years.

  15) 你若一直在我便一直爱。可惜没人会懂我的。If you have been, and I will always love. It's a pity that no one would understand me.

  16) 人的一生,都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗憾,触不到的梦想,忘不了的爱。Person's life, there are some unspeakable secret, wan not return of regret, touch less than dream, forget love.

  17) 有个人身上就是有那样一种力量,能在冥冥之中让你安心。A person is a kind of power, can...... let you at ease.

  18) 放下该放下的你,退出没结果的局。Put down the down you, out of the bureau didn't results.

  19) 你就像指缝间的阳光,温暖,美好,却永远无法抓住。You are like the sunshine of fingers, warm, beautiful, but never caught.

  20) 经常听到的不一定是真的,且看这些熟视无睹的谣言。Often hear is not necessarily true, turn a blind eye and look at these rumors.