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时间: 小龙 文案句子



  1) 与其找错误的人相伴,不如选择单身。It is better to choose than to find the wrong people, single.

  2) 你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你!You are everything, you out when you're all is you!

  3) 我爱的人,不一定要全听我的,但是答应我的事一定要做到!The person I love, is not necessarily all listen to me, but I promised you must do it!

  4) 不要由于竣事而抽泣,微笑吧,为你的曾领有。Don't SOB due to big things, smile, for you have licensed.

  5) 生活可以不知足,但幸福一定要知足。Life can not be satisfied, but happiness must be satisfied.

  6) 上帝是无所不知的,我因为仅次于上帝,所以有所不知。God is omniscient, because my second only to god, so I don't know.

  7) 不要对我太好,以免我以身相许你又不要。Not too good to me, lest I ass you don't again.

  8) 相信自己,你能作茧自缚,就能破茧成蝶。Believe in yourself, you can restrict, can broken cocoon into a butterfly.

  9) 是否你已经忘记了怎么来爱还是我已经改变了爱你的想法。Whether you have forgotten how to love or I have changed love your ideas.

  10) 当一段感情失去了,才知道重要的话,那彻底失去了一切。When a relationship lost, just know important, so completely lost everything.

  11) 等到天放晴的时候,也许我会好好再爱你一遍。Wait until the sunny day, maybe I'll love you again.

  12) 你说你会爱我一辈子,可惜没说是哪辈子。You said you would love me for a lifetime, but it didn't say what life.

  13) 地球仍然转着,世间依旧善变,而我永远爱你。Still turn the earth, the world is still fickle, but I love you forever.

  14) 很想多陪陪你,无奈身不由己。请谅解,我爱你!Want to spend more time with you very much, though his helpless. Please understand, I love you!

  15) 我希望,离别的离别的离别之后,我们总能再相聚。I hope, after parting parting parting, we always can get together again.


  1) 深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。Deep feeling is I can't afford to bear the heavy burden, sweet prattle just chance to lie.

  2) 我还在原地,用温情和寂寞织一张相思的网,等你。I was still in situ, with warmth and lonely weave a net acacia, waiting for you.

  3) 最厌烦的感觉不是成为陌生人,而是逐渐陌生的态度。The most tired of feeling is not a stranger, but gradually strange attitude.

  4) 如果可以请不要念念不忘,伤口好了,就要舍得离开。If you can please don't not forget for a moment, the wound good, want to leave.

  5) 孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱尚上个人的那一刻开始。Loneliness is not innate, but by the moment you love is on the individual.

  6) 很后悔认识了你,你让我感受到你不在我身边时的痛苦。Regret getting to know you, you make me feel the pain when you're not here with me.

  7) 请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。Please tell me you are mine. I'll be yours through all the belongs to you, forever.

  8) 我即将悄然离开这世界,任何饶舌鬼也说不出我在何处。I will steal from the world, and not a babbling tongue shall tell where I am.

  9) 女人对男人往往会朝思暮想;男人对女人往往会朝秦暮楚。Women to men tend to go; Men have about women tend to be short-term commitment.

  10) 真正爱你的人不会说许多爱你的话,却会做很多爱你的事。The man who ever really loves you not say many love your word, but will do a lot of love you.

  11) 只有不伤手的立白,没有不分手的恋爱,没有记不住的表白。Only not hurting hands made of white, no break up of be in love, do not remember.

  12) 我很想知道,当我的名字滑过你耳朵,你脑海中会闪现些什么。I really want to know, when my name slip your ear, your mind will shine some what.

  13) 来是偶然的,走是必然的。所以你必须,随缘不变,不变随缘。To be accidental, go is inevitable. So you have to, pay the same, the same fate.

  14) 抓住机会,全心付出,不留遗憾的离开。Seize the opportunity, the whole heart pay, leave no regret to leave.

  15) 就算世界荒芜,总有一个人会是你的信徒。Even if the world barren, there is always a person would be you of believers.


  1) 愿天上的每一个流星,都为你而闪耀天际。Let the sky every meteor, shining and the sky for you.

  2) 爱情,是自身的圆满,我不再缺少些甚么了。Love, is own complete, I no longer lack some what.

  3) 左手倒影,右手年华,执子之手,与子偕老!Reflection in his left hand, right hand, your hand, and son xielao!

  4) 你不是塑料袋,不要总是装啊装啊装啊装的。You are not a plastic bag, don't always pack pack pack pack.

  5) 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己。Life at least one time that forget yourself for someone.

  6) 也才会找到最适合你,能够相处一辈子的人。Will find the most suitable for you, too, can get along with a lifetime of people.

  7) 我能想到最浪漫的事,就是和你一起慢慢变老。The most romantic thing, I can think of is to grow old with you.

  8) 我们明明不是陌生人,却装旳比陌生人还陌生。We have clearly not strangers, but with one even stranger than the stranger.

  9) 既然不能够给她婚姻,就不要给她遐想的机会。Now that can't give her marriage, don't give her an opportunity to daydream.

  10) 爱情要完结的时候自会完结,到时候,你不想画上句号也不行。Love to end will end, when the time comes, you don't want to end.

  11) 再让我多活一秒,让我和你在一起,拥抱薰衣草在风中的味道。I have to live for a second, more let me be with you, embrace lavender flavor in the wind.

  12) 你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守候千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。You know I am one hundred years of solitude is only one person waiting for you the night's love song for you sing for the one.

  13) 有时,我只是想能有个人,紧紧抱着我不放,直到我的心情真的好起来。Sometimes, I just want to can have personal, hold me tightly, until I feel really good.

  14) 你是我繁华人生中唯一让我如此心动的男人,你便是我漫长生命里的所有。You are my only let me so busy life of man, you are all my long life.

  15) 爱情最是让人捉摸不定,两个人好着好着就分了;两个人吵着吵着就好了。Love is the most unpredictable, but the two people with good with; Two noisy noisy.

  16) 你轻轻地来,伴随着深邃地眼哞而来,你走到了我地的身边,跨进了我的心扉。You gently to, with deep eyes moo, you go to the us side, into my heart.

  17) 为什么在这个时候你会说想我,感情的缘份已经溜走,我爱你的时候你在哪里!Why at this time you will say to me, the feelings of the fate has slipped, I love you where you are!

  18) 望穿你眼中的流年,我相信你真的爱过我,就像我当初真的为了你,可生可死。Among the worst in your eyes, I believe that you really loved me, like I was really for you, life to death.

  19) 当我真正爱上了你,我发现,最终我想要的,只是你能快乐。哪怕,不是与你。When I really fell in love with you, I found, ultimately I want, only you can be happy. Even if, not with you.

  20) 每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心。有你的感觉真好。Every day for your heart, moved by you every minute, every second worry for you. It's good to have the feeling of you.

